Händedesinfektionsmittel auf Ethanolbasis bietet eine effektive Lösung zur Desinfektion der Hände. Mit einem Gehalt von 85 g Ethanol pro 100 g bietet es eine wirksame Bekämpfung von Keimen und Bakterien.
This disinfectant is suitable for both hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. It can be used in various areas of healthcare, industry and home care for the sick, the elderly and infants.
Application is simple: the disinfectant is applied to the hands and rubbed in thoroughly to ensure complete disinfection. It can be used in all hygiene-relevant areas to ensure optimal hand hygiene.
Caution should be exercised when using biocides. Therefore, always read the label and product information carefully before use to ensure safe use.
Ensure clean and germ-free hands with this high-quality ethanol-based hand sanitizer. Trust in its effectiveness and protect yourself and others from diseases and infections.
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